So we didn't get school accomplished as I would have liked. The kids did all take an achievement test to see how they stood in getting into private school once we have moved. We should get the results of that in 4-6 weeks.
As far as Jud's weight is going, it's quite remarkable. He has lost 26 lbs. this month. Just incredible. But when he weighed in, they measured him shorter. His height is a wee bit over 5'11" and it always depends if they round up or round down in regards to his BMI requirement. So, his goal has just become a lower weight than it was. That was very discouraging news because he thought he only had 13 more lbs to go and now he has 21 lbs. He has been dieting very hard (and for the most part, under a doctor's supervision) and is eager to move on to this new assignment and have this upheaval behind us. Unless he hits a troublesome plateau, he still should be able to meet this goal by July 4th.
In the meantime, we will get the house spruced up and ready to be sold. We're going to spend some time back in Pennsylvania to get the camper situated and we'll be ready when Jud meets his goal.
Thanks for sticking with us,
P.S., Friends who know me, please keep your comments anonymous. I don't want to have to delete them.