Saturday, January 12, 2013

Blog has moved

I have not posted to this blog in over a year.  In all honesty, there are some issues that I have strong moral objections to here and I felt as if this would have been the platform that I would write about them.  But at the same time, it likely would have been sensored.

So, while I cannot openly talk about those issues here, I can talk about one of the best parts of Abu Dhabi - THE FOOD!!!  But as I had a recipe blog and a life in Abu Dhabi blog, I have now combined them into one.

The Expatriate Home Gourmet

From now on, you'll find my musings there - and without nicknames.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

And a month later...

Today marks our 1 one month anniversary of being in Abu Dhabi.  I'm rather surprised at how little I have blogged.  I honestly thought I'd blog some more.  But I didn't know where to begin to describe the rollercoaster that we have been on.

After moving into an efficiency apartment shortly after we got here, we started our villa hunt.  We were on our own for the most part which made the whole experience challenging.  But we now have a villa and it's being painted and cleaned up as I type.  I am counting the minutes until we can get in there because it feels like that our life can really get started once we are our own house.  But then there is going to be this massive craziness from the word go to go and get appliances and furniture to make the villa home.

This evening we met up with a man to buy his car that we found on the internet classifieds here.  We should be able to take possession of it by the end of next week.  It's a 2007 Volvo XC90.  It's the car I've wanted for several years.

We are doing very well, otherwise.  We are very happy with the church and we have made some instant friends here.  The Emirati people are very welcoming to people of other nationalities and faiths here.   But while they are very welcoming, we are still noticeably separate.  Our activities rarely blend... like there's no Emirati boys on the Rugby team.

I'm afraid that some of our struggles with our villa hunting and our car hunting have colored some of my perceptions and I hesitate to publish some of my feelings as I do not want to rush to those judgements.  I'll give it more time and more careful consideration.

But we are in a comfortable hotel that has a small kitchen and we have a good rental car.  I know that we are well taken care of despite our frustrations.

I will write more as we progress into our new home.

With love, Joan

Friday, August 26, 2011

It was only a little fire

Jud read my blog last night and I asked him his opinion on if I had missed something.  He said "Bread Heaven".

"Bread Heaven" is the display of international breads during the breakfast buffet hours.  Our daughter Ellie loves all things bread.  When she saw that display of breads during our first breakfast she just stood there with her jaw on the floor.  She was in awe.

So, this morning, I decided to take a picture of the bread display for this post.  Just as I was pulling out the camera, Ellie had put a croissant into the toaster.  Apparently, it was the wrong part of the toaster because when she frantically called her dad over to the toaster oven, flames shot out!  The waitress and the omelette chef rushed over to assist them.  The croissant that she was just trying to warm up came out in ashes.

It was quite smokey in the restaurant.  But really it was just a little fire because it did not set off the fire suppression system overhead.  Thank God!


First Impressions

It's hard to believe that we have only been here a day and a half and I already feel I am behind on my blog. Lots of things are happening all at once. I'll try and give you the good stuff.

We landed in Dubai after our 15 hour flight and then had to drive an hour to Abu Dhabi. It took 3 Volvo sedans to move all of us and our luggage from one city to the next. It was quite a circus and I'll spare you the details. We arrived in Abu Dhabi around 2 or 3 in the afternoon on Thursday, August 25. My concept of time was totally off so I can't remember exactly what time it was.

This suite is well suited for our family for a short stay. Jud and I have a large room all to ourself with our own full bath. The girls are in a room with two double beds and they also have a full bath. Poor Jethro's stuck out on the rollaway in the living room but I think he likes it that way so he can do what he wants to do after we are all in bed. We're on the 25th floor and have a fantastic view of the Corniche (reminds me of the Seawall in Galveston, only nicer). My only complaint is that the air is rather stale.

Tomorrow afternoon, we will move into some better, long term accommodations that will be more comfortable for us as we wait to find a villa. It's more like an efficiency apartment and is fully furnished. It even has pots and pans. It will be really nice to start cooking our own food again and getting settled.

This evening, we had dinner at Jud's boss's house. We'll call him Billy. Billy's wife and daughter were not at home yet. They're still stateside. Another of Jud's coworkers came. He's JJ. I met JJ years ago when Jud had to spend a few days in Louisiana working on a special drilling tool. That's when he worked with JJ in Nigeria. We had a great time getting to know everyone. We took a tour of Billy's villa because it's very similar to what we will be looking at in a few weeks for our own home.

Everybody is settling in quite nicely. Jud's so excited he can barely contain himself. I'm excited and anxious at the same time. As a woman, the culture is very different for me than it is for Jud. The girls are doing well as long as we manage the jet lag proactively. Jethro is making friends quickly. I think as long as he stays busy, he'll be OK. We will meet one family tomorrow that he met through Facebook. It turns out, they live across the street from our new hotel!

The whole country is taking a week off to celebrate the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. This delays a lot of our forward processing to get a house, to get our visas, etc. I hope we can take advantage of the time and enjoy our new home in Abu Dhabi.

With love,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We made it!

We have settled into our hotel in Abu Dhabi!  I will blog more when I am not jet-lagged.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

At the airport

I'm writing from the Houston airport. We are resting in the lounge and have about an hour before we get on the plane. We will fly 15 hours direct to Dubai and then drive an hour to Abu Dhabi.

Our morning went very well. We somehow managed to get all the last minute things stuffed into the suitcases. Jethro's girlfriend came over to say goodbye. My heart really went out to her. After she left, we waited just a few minutes before our ride came to load up our 16 bags of luggage and take us to the airport.

After such a long wait to get this move over with, Jed and I are very excited. It feels so good to have just our carryon luggage to worry about at the moment. The girls have already made a friend in the lounge but still have Geary moments. Jethro is just happy to have Internet to maintain contact with his girlfriend until we take off.

We have had so many messages of prayers and well wishes. Right now, they are sustaining me. Love to all.
